We are not all born equal !

Believe it or not when we are born :

The above are readily recognisable differences in physical attributes.

As we grow, differences in physical attributes become become more noticeable. Whether these attributes are genetic, acquired or environmentally influenced is not being argued, but observed. Differences include :

Intelligence is a subjective attribute. I think most would agree that abilities of a neural nature are largely inherited. Measured intelligence (usually IQ) is subjective, and can vary for an individual over both short and long periods of time. Just because a test shows a high IQ for an individual, it doesn't mean they are "smart". Similarly a low IQ result does not mean that person is "dumb". I know individuals with a high IQ that have done some pretty dumb things. Similarly I know some supposedly low IQ individuals who have made some pretty smart moves and are quite wealthy as a result.

Intelligence (measured or perceived) aside, we grow to have different (what I will call "neural") abilities. Whether inherited, learned, or influenced by the environment differences include :

We also have combined physical and neural ability that differentiate in things such as :

Whether inherited or learned, there are some attributes that have racial correlation. By way of example :

This is not a perfect world, and unfortunately, or fortunately from some perspectives, there are differences linked to age and gender :