At some time in our lives, most of us will require the services of both a nurse and a plumber. Both vocations are needed in our society, but when choosing between these two career paths there are some differences to consider.

Times have changed, especially for nurses. To become a licensed plumber, a person first has to become an apprentice. They acquire skills on the job, working alongside qualified tradesmen. Before they had day release on a regular basis to attend trade school. The major difference is that now they attend vocational institutions in "blocks" of several weeks at a time during their apprenticeship. At the end of the day, maintenance plumbers and nurses both get exposed to muck, and the associated health risks. Financially, plumbing appears to be a better option.

Strangely, I know a licensed plumber who became a nurse. The differences have not gone unnoticed, and there is a belief, changes can be made.

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